I didn't really stop to do any special sightseeing today. I saw things in passing instead.
This is Old Lock 23. Civil engineering students from Union College, along with a citizens group known as the Locktenders, have been working to restore this abandoned lock. When this section of the original canal was open, this was one of the busiest parts of the waterway. Lock 23 was know as the "Gateway to the West."
Near Pattersonville we left the canal path and traveled on the road for 2.5-3 miles into Pattersonville. The volunteer fireman painted messages on the side of the road in the bike lane all the way into town. Cute, clever sayings, words of encouragement, enticements for the food they would offer, little rhymes, it was too much fun reading them all! Gave me more than 1 chuckle on the way in! I so wish I could have taken pictures of them all! Then, when we got to their firehouse, they were cooking hot dogs and burgers and had chips and ice cream and frozen grapes and drinks that they sold as a fund raiser. They also had a first aid station and a cooling off shower to ride through. The entertainment of the messages they provided for 3 miles was well worth making a contribution to them!
Again there were beautiful sights to see along the way.
This is our last camping night. Below you see what is called the "Camptel" where I am staying (all the brown tents). The Comfy Campers service was totally worth the expense. Every night upon my arrival my tent, air mattress, chair and towel were ready and waiting for me. It was so nice not to have to put up a tent after a day's riding! Every morning I packed my gear, let the air out of the mattress and someone else came along to take down the tent and move it to the next location. It was a priceless service, especially on dewy or rainy mornings!
Tonight we have a reception, a celebration party and talent show, and just generally celebrate this awesome trip we've been on together. Tomorrow is just a short 27.5 miles to Albany and the end of the pedaling!