Today was a glorious day that makes one believe that spring just
might really be around the corner! It was 45° F and sunny, with no wind. The roads were dry and snow free. It felt so good to be outside riding instead of inside on my trainer! First time in 2 weeks! And the best part was being able to dress light weight. Instead of my winter riding gear, I was able to wear just a thin turtleneck with my new bike jersey (that I won from The National Bike Challenge) over it. I wore jeans and sneakers and didn't need gloves or a balaclava or a skull cap under my helmet.
I had one of my longest rides this winter, nearly 13 miles and I increased my average speed by almost 2 MPH! And since this morning I did my longest indoor ride to date (8.35 miles), I'm feeling just a little bit proud of myself today!
Please spring, keep these days coming! I ache to go for longer and longer rides outside in the warmth and the sunshine!